A First Look At The Latest From Bruce Willis- SURVIVE THE GAME.

Okay… Okay! I get it. It’s hard to muster any enthusiasm these days when you see the words “Bruce Willis” and “Direct To Video” so close together. Willis seemingly has a new one of these out every few months and most of the time he looks like he is barely awake, let alone interested in what’s occurring on set.

What’s intriguing about this one though is that the script comes from Ross Peacock. Ross made a name for himself in the action film fan community with insightful and detailed breakdowns of action filmmaking he posted on his YouTube channel over the years. His channel, “Rossatron”, can be viewed HERE. I highly recommend it. From the looks of the trailer, it appears Ross Peacock has taken his deep understanding and appreciation of the action genre and really applied it to the script for SURVIVE THE GAME. Check it out below which I think, barring the now typical lazy quality to Willis’ performance, actually looks pretty solid:

Here is the film’s official synopsis:

“Bruce Willis (Pulp Fiction) and Chad Michael Murray (“Riverdale”) star in this explosive crime-thriller. When cop David (Willis) is injured in a drug bust gone wrong, his partner, Cal, pursues the two criminals who shot him to a remote farm owned by troubled vet Eric (Murray). As Cal and Eric plot their defense, more of the gang arrives — along with a wounded David — and, outnumbered, the three heroes must use stealth, smarts, and marksmanship to take down the drug-dealing mob.”

And the film’s poster:

SURVIVE THE GAME Will Be Available in Select Theaters, on Apple TV and Everywhere You Rent Movies on October 8th & Available on Blu-ray and DVD Four Days Later on October 12th
Matthew Essary has been a professional film critic since 2017 and a film fanatic for much longer.

Currently residing in Nashville, TN, he also co-hosts the film podcast "Video Culture" (available on all podcast platforms). He can be reached at "WheelsCritic@gmail.com" and on Twitter: @WheelsCritic