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GO FOR IT Review: A Kick From The East


If you long for all those low budget kickboxing movies that were in the shelves of the video stores in the 80’s and the early 90’s, they keep making them in the wide Chinese market almost every week.

This film is one of them, a really low budget movie with good fighting sequences shot in a lost warehouse somewhere in the outskirts of some big city in China. Most of the action, takes place inside a MMA cage, where the performers display different types of martial arts that comes from Kung Fu, kickboxing, Muay Thai, even including some grappling. However, the final fight changes its location, taking place outdoors, in a boxing ring, in what it seems to be the swimming pool of a hotel.

The story is basically about two guys fighting for the love of the same girl. An arrogant prick, and a weak guy who needs to train hard to beat the villain. A simple formula that always works in this type of movies.

The movie was starred by Jerry Liau, a stuntman who participated in one of those reality shows that Jackie Chan made in china looking for a successor. The kid is really talented and have some charisma, and he had a small participation in Jackie Chan´s film “Little big Soldier“.

A pleasing entertainment that helps to fill the void left for a kind of cinema that seems to be fading away in the west.

The film is available on chinese platform Iqiyi, with english subs

Mike Garcia
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