IRIS CHANG: THE RAPE OF NANKING: Scars Filled with Hope, Healing Wounds From the Past

The rape of Nanjing, is one of the darkest atrocities in recent history, a happening that´s been denied by some ultra nationalist groups and was forgotten in the west history books for a very long time…

December 13th is the Nanjing massacre memorial, to commemorate such a tragic happening, I´ve decided to write about this moving long feature documentary from 2007, that revolves around Iris Chang, an enthusiastic Asian-American young writer, author of the best seller book, “The Rape of Nanking“, a work that brought  to light to western readers the horrors that the Japanese Imperial Army commited during their invassion of the city in 1937.

The makers of the feature, combined Chang´s real footage from TV appearances, with dramatizations of passages from her life in which she´s wonderfully portrayed by the gorgeous Olivia Cheng, displaying on the screen the reasons and motivations Iris had to expose to the world this tragic tale from her ancestors, giving also an insight look, to the impact that this journey had on her, and the consequences with which she had to deal, when she became the target of Japanese Nationalist groups that still today denies the massacre.

But the film not only centers in the tragedy of Nanjing, also going deep into Iris Chang personal tragedy, looking for the answers through interviews with colleagues, family and friends, of the reasons behind her tragic suicide at the young age of thirty six, after several years of battling against a terrible depression.

The film is an ode to Iris Chang, that gives out to the audience, the chance of discovering her excellent research on the tragedy, through interviews with some survivors, giving the audience on first hand, a tale of how the massacre took place, relating some of the unhuman atrocities that the victims had to suffered and endured during those days of sadistic violence.

The final destination of this emotional journey through the darkest corners of human nature, gives a final positive vibe, that searches for an halo of hope in a hopeless world, through the eyes of a broken hearted woman, who after discovering the villainess of human nature, was unable to endure the pain, leaving this world very soon phisically, but leaving a legacy that will remain for the rest of eternity, giving back to the victims of the massacre, that dignity that the world seemed to have denied them for a long time.