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LOLLIPOP Short Film Review: Taste the First Licks of Depravity on Ringling City

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After a successful run through several festivals, Florida´s based independent film company, Raised on Media, finally has released the first invitation to enter into the depraved world of Ringling city, to tell the story of Rachael, a local girl who´s given 7 days to make a life altering decision. A decision that could lead to a path of violence with unforeseen consequences.

Director Jared Miller shows the first glances on this initial chapter to a growing crime saga universe, where we´re lured to visit a dangerous city ruled by depravation, in company of a desperate girl (stunning performance by Hana Young) who finds on imbalance the only way to balance her messy existence in a filthy city that doesn´t even offer a first choice on taking the right path.

“Lollipop” is an atracting short film with blowing personality that fills the screen with an urban neon´s style aesthetic that mixes acid humor with a brutal display of on-screen violence, that seeks to pave the way for an expanding universe inhabited for a variety of charismatic characters driven by their lacks of ethics and morality. Characters as that evil smiling green haired girl called Lucy (brief but wonderful appearance by Yi Christina Liu), hints that there´s something hidden behind the character that probably will be unfold in future installments.

In conclusion, give this “Lollilop” a good lick, as it is a tasty cinematic candy, and don´t hesitate on passing the boundaries of Ringling City (always bewaring of your belongings) giving Raised on Media all the love and support that they deserve.

The full short film is available for free on Youtube for your delight. Tune in and you won´t regret, and don´t forget to wait until the credits are over for the post credit scene that promises more badass misadventures:


Mike Garcia
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