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NEW YORKER, UNDERCOVER: A Word With Actress And Author Laura Aguinaga

At one point in 2018 I made personal history in singing karaoke at a suburban bar here in Queens. It was Jon Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ On A Prayer” and I blew my voice out that evening, but I had a blast doing it. I say this as it’s worth noting that it was a birthday get-together with friends for actress Laura Aguinaga that evening, and she and a bunch of others were all there to bear witness to my singing tomfoolery, and dammit, I wish I got it on video. Ah, oh well…

Anyway, the evening was a major bookmark for me in getting to meet another artist in television and film. For a small change of pace here though, that purview now includes theater and books as Aguinaga has also done stage work in her career, and is an up-and-coming author working on a series of books, the first of which is called “Artemesia” which she has been teasing on social media for a while now during her editing periods.

Additionally, I wanted to take this opportunity to help cast a spotlight on some of Aguinaga’s other work, including a project called I Am Omega, created by artist, author and filmmaker Dan Gottlieb who has since gone on to self-publish it in book form with co-author Thomas Casbarro. That book is actually the first in a coming series, and it has an active fan group on Facebook which you can follow here.

As for all things Laura Aguinaga, you’re welcome to keep up with all her goings on via Instagram, at which I am just as proud to finally share just a little more press space in the course of helping promote a deserving local talent, as I am that she’s also a fan of a particular television series I also grew up watching. Read on!

Tell us about your journey into stage and film acting and how you got started.

When I was 18, I was sure I would grow up and become a vet, but I always had this love for the stories in the 90’s cartoon era, anime, and RPG video games. So in my downtime would write and create these stories and perform in them because that was the only way I could take part. But, unfortunately, there was rarely anyone who looked like me on film or TV. So, in Senior High School, I had an opportunity to play the son in “All My Sons,” and I was bit by the acting bug. So I dropped my dreams of being a vet and pivoted into being an actress, which would later progress to me becoming a writer. 

You’ve had some roles in some pretty big shows over the years, including Gotham, Shades of Blue, and even Ray Donovan. What were your thoughts upon seeing yourself for the first time on television?

I remember crying because I thought I had initially lost what would be my first co-star role on VH-1’s The Breaks and was legit about to give up right then and there. Then I got the call saying I had booked it. I always imagine if I had listened and given up, then all those roles would have never come to fruition. 

Do you get starstruck at times when you’re on set? 

I’m laughing as I type this because I held my breath when he walked by me when I got to work as a Stand-In on ‘In The Heights,’ and that was and forever will be with Lin Manuel Miranda. Rita Moreno, I would just die on the spot. There will be no time for being star-struck when I meet her. 

How do you usually go about choosing and preparing for certain roles?

I need to love both the story and the character, but if there are any unnecessary sex/nude scenes, I’m out, or even any play on Latino stereotypes. Instead, I visualize the scene like a movie in my head, how I imagine these characters would carry themselves. I’m not a method actor, but I do my best to study the character, and the story involved while keeping a little of myself in it. 

Talk about some of the people and things that have influenced you the most throughout your career and pursuits? Any favorite directors and writers or other artists you can name for us?

Watching Lauren Velez on New York Undercover forever changed me. She was me! As a little girl watching that meant the world! Shoot, even Elisa Maza from the animated series Gargoyles lit a fire in me. And there is Lin Manuel played a big part when it came to writing stories that represent us and the importance of diversity in the entertainment world. Robert Rodriguez inspired me to write my first action short, where his team even inspired interest for his channel El Rey Network. Rita Moreno and now Ariana Debose drive my desires as an actress and activist for representation. 

Tell us about working with Dan Gottlieb on I Am Omega. I understand this was crowdfunded as a hopeful television project and has since been released in book form.

Dan is passionate about what he does, and I’m thankful for the opportunity he has given me to play the lead Amanda in this series, both in the live-action and the book’s illustrations. Dan works tirelessly and is still bringing this story to life. He goes to several Comic Con events where people can meet him in-person, and even purchase the book where he can share more about it than I can. 

Do you believe there is still momentum for I Am Omega to get a live-action series or film of some kind?

I’m not sure what I can and cannot say about the book, but I know that many passionate people are behind it, and from what I was told and saw, many amazing things are coming soon. 

I understand you’re also tackling your own literary aspirations with Caffeine & Ink. How did this particular venture transpire for you?

It’s a funny, small world. So, my publisher, Emanuel “Manny” Camacho, contacted me about possibly doing voice-over work for an Audio Book series he was working on. I asked what the book was about, and when I tell you how excited I was when he explained it was a Sci-Fi Fantasy series, I expressed to him how I was writing a Sci-Fi Fanasty story too. He asked for me to send a prologue and the two first chapters to see if this were something his publishing company would be interested in signing. He read it, and the rest is history.  

Can you tell us more about “Artemesia” without giving away too much?

We are still working on the interpretation and moving on to the re-writes, so it’s still too early to tell, but I promise to update when I can. 

Is there a bigger saga behind “Artemesia”? Possibly a sequel?

“Artemisia” is a series, so there will be a sequel which I’m just dying to get into because it introduces some of my favorite characters. 

What are some of the most important lessons you’ve taken with you as you continue to chisel away and shape your craft in all its facets?

Never lose yourself. We find ourselves telling stories while creating new characters and becoming other characters that we tend to lose ourselves. Don’t cater to what you think the majority will love. Create and be something you love and stand by because at the end of the day it will be your name attached to those stories and characters and they will live long past you.  

What else lies ahead for Laura Aguinaga?

Currently working as an actress on four indie features and looking to get back to screenwriting, which I have already started and can’t wait to share more when I can. Also, goals are to get a guest star role this year because that would be amazing. With writing, folks can head over to Barnes And Nobles to learn more about “Tales We Tell The Sky”, an anthology in which I contributed two short stories: “The Doors” and “From Nothing, Everything”.

I always live by my friend Lourdes Lane’s words, “Don’t wait. Create.” 

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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