Ross Clarkson Goes Indiegogo For HAMMER-ON | Film Combat Syndicate
This week, Clarkson is looking to spread his wings with a new occupation to add to his resume as the writer and director of Hammer-On, a brutal martial arts action comedy he is pitching to help finance via croudfunding venue, Indiegogo. The reel is hosted by Clarkson, and features in-character cast members Byron Gibson and Nadia Ivanova explaining the story about an eccentric underdog fight promoter is who gets in serious trouble with a Russian seductress after his fighter loses a match, forcing him on a desperate search for another fighter as soon as possible to help pay off his debt. The campaign video also features stuntman, action director and co-star Brahim Achabbakhe, showcasing a brief reel illustrating the kind of action fans can look forward to.
Lee B. Golden III