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THE FALL GUY Review: Honoring The Shadow Heroes Of Cinema

Hollywood has always been an ungrateful industry with the stuntmen craft. They’re the heroes on the shadow, barely mentioned or recognized and always long forgotten in their award ceremonies, including the oscars, that bunch of high trained one of a kind special people to endure pain and make movies look good, are the real badasses in the history of cinema.

Loosely based in a popular 80´s television of the same name, “The Fall Guy” is an homage to that ungrateful craft of men and women who put their lives on the line in order to make movie stars look good to give the audience the best entertainment.

Ryan Gosling gets into the skin of a top stuntman working on his ex-girlfriend directorial debut while getting caught in a conspiracy against him to save the ass of the star of the film.

With a terrific soundtrack of epic rock themes and some pop tunes, leaded by KISS and their top commercial hit, “I was made for loving you”, the film is a thrilling ride into the ins and outs of the film industry, wrapping an action film with comic elements into a romantic story that drives the plot since the beginning.

Ryan Gosling displays his stardom potential showing his manners as action hero, giving out a fantastic comic side, while sharing the screen with his co-star Emily Blunt, putting on show their good chemistry on the screen, in a film with no dull moments, packing the screen with solid action and well choreographed fight sequences, while sharing countless easter eggs of action cinema, having some funny cameos as the stars of the original show and a top Hollywood star that I won’t spoil who it is…

Now on theatres, “The Fall Guy” is a wonderful homage to the stuntmen community that is worth the ticket price…

Mike Garcia
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