THE INVINCIBLE DRAGON: Max Zhang Is The Man With The Dragon Tattoo In The Newest Promo | Film Combat Syndicate
It was earlier this week that I alleged action star Donnie Yen might be crowding the blogs this week. Undoubtedly he’s leveled up on that end while several stars of note are delivering in equal measure, including actor Max Zhang whose latest, Invincible Dragon from Three…Extremes helmer Fruit Chan, still doesn’t have a local release date but otherwise stil bares a 2018 stamp. It also invites fans in with a tough new short promo following its newest trailer earlier this week which highlights Zhang in the role of a tattooed undercover cop whose impulsive work ethic brings him in the throes of a suspicious serial killer in the form of an American Army veteran. Former UFC Middleweight champ, actor Anderson Silva hones in his acting for the role opposite our inked protagonist which you can now take a gander at several times below. (An official trailer from earlier this week can be seen BY CLICKING HERE.)
Lee B. Golden III