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HIT-GIRL Gets (And Gives) Her Licks In Kevin Barile’s Newest Foul-Mouthed Fan Flick!

Christmastime was a prominent time for filmmaker Kevin Barile who took to the holiday season last month to share with the world Hit-Girl, a fan film inspired from the brainchild of “Kick-Ass” creator Mark Millar. The short stars Angie Estevao in the title role and sees our burgeoning heorien take on a small army of home invaders led by the Tax-Man, played by Robert Dill.

I’ve been a fan of Barille’s ever since he pushed a crowdfunding campaign for a flick called Saving Sara which didn’t come to pass, and I’m equally proud of his output with his recent releases like Agent Red and its sequel, and other festival faves like Dream War and Blood Thirsty, and others you can check out on his YouTube chanmel. I would’ve definitely shared this last month, but the holiday called for me to take a much needed rest, which I’m still in the middle of. Nevertheless, when I get the itch to write, I gotta scratch that shit. Alas…

Mind the four-letter NSFW alert, and your surroundings for suitable viewing, and enjoy! And, as always, subscribe to BarilliantAction.

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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