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John Fallon Prepares Fans For THE SHADOWING

Film fans who have taken a good glance at the most recent promotional push for the latest Well Go USA acquisition, American Muscle, might also be familar with the name of writer, actor, producer, stuntman, filmmaker and Arrow In The Head columnist for Joblo, John Fallon, who is out promoting his latest feature-length pet project titled, The Shadowing. Having already completed the script, the film follows up Fallon‘s most recently-completed directorial contribution, The Shelter, with a project that envisions ‘a relentless action/sci-fi/horror hybrid in the vein of PREDATOR’.
Produced by Christopher White (MTV’s My Super Psycho Sweet 16, The ABC’s Of Death: “D Is For Dogfight” segment) with a story and screenplay by Fallon and co-writer and We Came From The Basement co-founder and editor Jason Hewlett, the synopsis of the story is as follows, located beneath the official poster:

A group of Special Forces soldiers on leave after a successful mission in Iraq head out to a cabin in the mountains with their beloved wives and their children in the name of having a good time and getting some well deserved relaxation. But as the night falls, it brings with it an unexpected and particularly strong snow storm hence forcing everyone to remain indoors. The following morning, the men wake up to find their children dead and their better halves missing, with the only clue left behind being an odd pair of footprints in the snow. Panicked, the men fall back on their military training to get them through the dire situation. They proceed to arm themselves and head out into the wilderness to find their spouses. What they will encounter will prove to be cunning, deadly and not of this world.

“The Shadowing has been a pet project of mine for years,” Fallon tells JoBlo. “It has all of the elements I personally look for in terms of a good time at the movies. I am elated to have Christopher White on board. We’ve known each other for eons and I am looking forward in seeing the project through with him. And directing something completely different and more action oriented than The Shelter is very appealing to me.”.

The film is currently in development while the team behind the project is eagerly pushing the film’s official Facebook page to help get things going. So feel free to click here and lend your support for Fallon’s exciting new thriller while we await further news.
Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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