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Listen To The ECHOES OF A RONIN In A New Behind-The-Scenes Featurette!

The past year or so has seen some pretty awesome highlights for martial arts cinema, mainstream and indie, and if you follow the genre, you can also denote some amazing happenings on the independent level in one capacity or another. Such effort can be seen director Shaky Gonzalez‘s latest shortfilm, Echoes Of A Ronin, a conceptual martial arts action project which harkens back to elements classic chambara for Denmark’s modern action niche.
Actor David Sakurai takes the lead in this Scandinavian/Asian hybrid tale of one man’s self-betrayal, interpreted through the eyes of his on-screen daughter, played by Katinka Elmin Danielsen. The story, featuring stellar action choreography by Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear fight director Tim Man, is described as a nod to fantasy and contemporary storytelling with a stylistic graphic novel look, which centers on injustice and loss of innocence, combined with recognizing ones destiny. 
Following the release of an official clip back in February, Echoes Of A Ronin is set to take the stage at the Odense International Film Festival in Denmark, as well as the tenth-annual Action On Film International Film Festival, with both launching in just a few weeks. In the meantime, you can now check out a cool new behind-the-scenes featurette showcasing Gonzalez and Sakurai as they explain what it took to help bring the inspired new project to life for hopeful feature film development.
Watch the new video and stick around for more exciting news!

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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