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Lunar Stunts Presents: EAT. PRAY. NINJA.

Ninjas! That’s it! Simply add ninjas and you’ve got a great script…unless of course it was by accident. Yes, one year after starting, the word is out and director Eric Nguyen‘s newest short rom-com actioner, Eat. Pray. Ninja. is finally online as of a few days ago.
Nope, no globe-trotting here, this one stays in the confines of one woman’s insufferable, drunken quest to become a paid screenwriter under the supervision of her sleazy studio exec. The result? A story packed with perpetual randomness and tongue-in-cheek laughter, all told with great characters and comedic timing and pacing, and to top it all off…ninjas. You can’t go wrong there.


A passionate romantic comedy screenwriter must add ninjas to her script in order to sell her script to a major motion studio. In the film we follow Adela, a rom-com screenwriter right out of college, poor, sitting in the studio waiting to sell her screenplay. She worked hard on her script, spent months, years to get it to where it is. Later we meet big man Howard, a studio executive who will buy her script ONLY if she add the “few” changes in the notes.

Caroline Ward, Joshua Bross and Joey Bravo star here, along with Irvin Nguyen, Joelle Nguyen and our dear troublemaking over-the-top ninja boss Mickey Arce. Feel free to watch the shortfilm right now in the embed below, and by all means, if you wish to experience this latest from Lunar Stunts with friends, simply add ninjas. They make everything better!

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