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Mega-Man Game Creator Gets Producer Backing For A Live-Action Feature In MIGHTY NO. 9!

Well, it appears movie goers from all walks of live will forever have their opinions when it comes to video game adaptations on film. Because the trend isn’t going away anytime soon!

A live-action feature-length adaptation of the long-awaited Mortal Kombat film following the success of its two-season webseries may be in limbo over at Warner Bros., but that hasn’t stopped fellow series producer Tim Carter from making his own moves leading to his involvement into the development of a live-action film adaptation of a new multiplatform game titled Mighty No. 9. The news comes after a successful Kickstarter campaign was launched last year, hosted by longtime leading veteran videogame designer and Comcept founder Keiji Inafune, best known for his previous work on designing the classic Mega-Man games, with the goal of reinvigorating the appreciation shared back in the 1980’s and 1990’s with 8-bit and 16-bit games, refurbished with today’s technology for modern audiences.
As such, we are granted a new character who bares some similarities to Mega-Man, with the introduction of a new robotic protagonist named ‘Beck’ who sets out to take on a powerful army of uniquely strong robots possessed by a mysterious virus, arming himself with their abilities which he must use to save the world. Carter, who now writes and produces at his new company, Contradiction Films, recently confirmed to the press that his people are building the story to suit its intended live-action theatrical look. But that’s not all, as it appears that also he fully intends to follow-suit with Inafune to acquire the rights to a Mega-Man movie as well.
There are currently no other pieces of information to share as the news is still fresh, so we will see how these two play out. In the meantime, you can subscribe for more information on Mighty No. 9 at their official Facebook page.

H/T: VG247

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