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OWL GIRL: Johnny Yong Bosch Hoots For Crimefighting Thrills In This Newest Proof-Of-Concept Short!

Vox Rocket Studio

Don’t rule Johnny Yong Bosch out. His latest out of Vox Rocket Studio, Spades, is still in toe as the actor and ex-Power Ranger-cum-seasoned filmmaker also set his sights on Tidewater Comic-Con last week with proof of concept, Owl Girl.

Following the loss of the Parliament of Owls, Skyway City’s greatest super heroes, a young girl named Lina Lopez rises up to defend the city from villains new and old.

Zeke, the lone survivor of the Owls, must reluctantly take her under his wing and teach her what it takes to truly be a superhero. Not just the sky highs, but the lows as well.

The series is intended for teen audiences and features a mix of serialized and episodic storytelling that reveals more upon rewatch.

Bosch is shepherding the concept with Mike Federali and pairing Vox Rocket with Kamen Ramen Studios. Owl Girl is played by actress and industry stunt professional Amanda Cass, alongside Hunter Uliasz, and Hector Soria who also coordinated the exhilarating superhero fight action Cass and the stunt team performs.

This short is just a tip of the iceberg teasing what Bosch can do with enough resources and creative freedom at his disposal. I like Owl Girl, and I’m a fan of Cass and the rest of the bunch here, including Kamen Ramen who I’ve featured several times before in The Hit List.

There’s more to come from Bosch as well beyond his goings-on with Vox Rocket. In the meantime, sit watch Owl Girl with the rest of us!

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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