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REVENGER Remix: Enjoy This Latest Re-Sound Fight Clip From EpicFights On YouTube

I’m reminded of my friend Sifu Brian Kuttel’s thoughts on sound with respect to feature film post production, and he made some notable points for a piece he did not too long ago which brings me to a guy named Tomas over in Argentina. And as rife as YouTube is with all the movie fight scene porn a fanboy can endulge, Tomas here has the right idea for what transpires over at his EpicFights YouTube channel.

His latest is a snippet from an action sequence midway into one of Netflix’s January releases, Revenger, starring Bruce Khan as a future ex-cop who condemns himself to a remote island prison to finish off the crimelord who murdered his family. Provenly, it’s no easy feat as he’ll have to contend with desperate survivors, a young girl eager to avenge her father, and the small armies defending his nemesis at every turn.

Tomas’ latest piece features such a scuffle and you can check it out above, and also feel free to compare it to the sound design in the Netflix release. In addition, Tomas’ Epic Fights has Patreon and Fiverr pages you can donate to, as well as an e-mail connect if you’re a filmmaker and need someone to mix some sound for your own fight scenes.

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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