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TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: Leatherface Returns to Torture Today’s Teens

I once took a road trip and drove for several hours out of my way to visit both homes that were seen in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films. True story. My travel companion was not amused (they are not a horror fan), but I was driving so I ignored their protests. What can I do? I’m a TCM fan. But I did not realize that Netflix was making a new movie until I saw the trailer today.

Here’s the link to trailer. Watch it then watch it again while reading my running commentary:

We start with a car accident then a woman in the car after an accident since she looks pretty rough. Then we go out into a field and … peek-a-boo, I see you! Leatherface is baaack (yes, that was an imitation of the sing song voice).

30 seconds in: now we see a group of maybe friends in a town and why are they just letting themselves into someone else’s house? Apparently reading Goldilocks as a child will make someone think they can just walk into to strangers’ homes. Well, this is Texas, so I’m sure they will learn their lesson…

56 seconds: They receive the much expected ominous warning that they should not be there.

1:05 in: Yup, they are about to learn.

1:20: A phone call to…Sally? Yes! In 2018 we got to see Laurie come face to face with her tormentor from when she was a teenager (Halloween, if you don’t know). And now it looks like Sally is about to get the same chance as she, too, delivers a speech about waiting for this night.

1:30: Now Sally is helping the nosy survivors from the previous clip. Will they survive with her help?

1:57: Ah, the placement of modern day technology in a horror movie to lighten up this intense trailer with a brief laugh…until we get blood splattered everywhere.

I have seen every single installment in this franchise and I have to tell you, I am very excited to see this one. The trailer showed a good mix of the past along with the present, making this old tale relevant in today’s time. I just hope I’m not disappointed.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be available only on Netflix February 18.

Christina Ortega
Writer, bookworm, geek in too many fandoms to name, Indianapolis Colts and Chicago White Sox fan.
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