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THE IMMORTAL: A Dark, Timeless Epic Awaits In The New Official Trailer

Director Victor Vu is now two-for-two in recent memory. Having made a dent in the festival scene with superhero action sci-fi, Loi Bao, his latest, The Immortal, now aims higher in its cinematic scope and visual volume with Loi Bao actor Quach Ngoc Ngoan front and center.

Actress Dinh Ngoc Diep inaugurates the tale telling as a woman who journeys to a mysterious cave containing the terrifying secrets of Hung, a man who has lived for three centuries. What unfolds is an epic narrative that explores Hung’s life – one filled with ambition, vengeance and dark magic.

The newest official trailer is online and surely goes out of its way to provide some visual allure for its narrative near the start. Vu’s noted alliance also has him joined by Loi Bao cohorts, action director Vincent Wang and action producer Jason Ninh Cao for the film’s October 12 release.

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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