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Check Out Brand New Stills From R.L. Scott's New Action Series Pilot, OPTION ZERO

Director R.L. Scott is gearing up for his pilot release next year with his newest venture, Option Zero, and this week, here to whet the appetite, the director has just unveiled a batch of official stills from the upcoming action series. Of course, with the pilot still being in post production, footage is otherwise still pending with a full season in the works, and for what it’s worth, the project looks to be another noteworthy dish of eye candy for fans of action.

Written and executive produced by co-star Eliver Ling (Deadliest Warrior) who plays “Connor”, the pilot episode for Option Zero will launch next year, showcasing a story centered on an elite special ops team on a mission to infiltrate and take out a high-ranking officials of the Russian mob. Ling joins lead actor Adolfo “Shabba Doo” Quinones (Breakin, Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo) who plays “Lionel” the special ops team leader in charge of the mission. Also joining are actors Chris Conrad (Criminal Minds) as “Trevor”, Christian Howard (Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist, Green Street 3) as “Nate”, and actress Amy Johnston (Raze) “as Kara”, with actor Eugene Leon starring as “Alexei”, Adamo Palladino as Cyrus, Cedric Williams as “Dennis” and Marco Pancrazi as “Sergei” and Alfred Hsing (Dragon Blade) serving as the pilot’s action coordinator.

Check out the stills below and stay tuned for more info!

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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