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When a loser bassist falls in love with a mysterious real life girl from his dreams, Scott Pilgrim is transported into a supernatural battlefield of epic proportions where he must apply his unique martial arts skills to defend her from her evil exes, while mired in his own internal conflict between the fate of his band, his troubled relationships and friendships, and his own need for self-improvement.

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To me, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is one of those rare films that comes our way in an age where studios are trying to be apt to bringing an asian, manga-oriented and visionary style to certain films, particularly with films like Speed Racer, The Matrix, or even the 2004 Japanese live-action film, Casshern. For some reason or another, if not just because it theatrically premiered around the time The Expendables did, the film bombed. And it shouldn’t have. Because the film rocks, plain and simple.

The film is a visually stunning spectacle with lots of comedic wit and geekiness incorporated with a colorful and epic story that doesn’t take itself so seriously that viewers can’t enjoy it. It’s got fantasy, loveable and relateable characters, music, classic video game nostalgia bits and whirlwind martial arts action to top it all off, making it a fun-filled adventure for any action fan. Actor Michael Cera’s efforts are commendable as his training pays off on film. And to top it all off, stunt/fight coordinators Bradley James Allan and Peng Zhang, and live-action pre-viz artist Tim Dashwood are the reason why the cast looks so fantastic in the action sequences in addition to the dozens of stunt performers involved, including Canada-based martial arts stage and stunt film company Team 2X’s own Jonny Caines and James Mark, along Chris Mark, helping illuminate the action doubling actor Michael Cera.

It’s almost a shame that Bryan Lee O’Malley’s live-action film prospects won’t fully transition after 2010. I was hoping to see how deep into the universe the seeds of hate for Scott Pilgrim were sown, illustrating an epic adventure of even more epicness for the inexplicably martial arts skilled musician who defended the love of his life against all impossible odds. Writer Michael Bacall and co-writer/director Edgar Wright did a fantastic job adhering to the nature of live-action spectacle with an anime twist. I wish Dragonball Evolution had that same effect, because it was pure filmmaking genius.

Now that I think about it, as far as sequels will go, maybe it will happen…just maybe. Or never…but at least we can chalk it up to a maybe. A reboot even?

*sigh* I know…I know.

You can currently find the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Digital Download at select sites.

***TO LEARN MORE about how you can benefit from supporting Team 2X and give Chris Mark a chance to star in the team’s first-ever inspired feature film, Genetix, click HERE. (If a successful one-day $2M+ campaign for a Veronica Mars movie is possible, then so is Genetix. Make it happen!)

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