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HONG KONG SUPERSTARS Gets An Online Resurrection From Its Editor

Filmmaker and documentarian Chris Ducker has had his share of hurdles over the course of time it took to present the world with one of his earliest efforts in catering to fans of Asian cinema, Hong Kong Superstars. Alas, it’s taken fifteen years before anyone would be allowed to view the interviews Ducker and his team hosted for the ambitious video magazine back between 1999 and 2000, and thankfully, Ducker and editor Lee Mason have taken it upon themselves to share their long-awaited labor of love with the world.

Hong Kong Superstars was a fan magazine from the UK focusing on Hong Kong Cinema and edited by Chris Ducker. The video magazine was modeled on what Eastern Heroes had done by branching out into making videos. Eastern Heroes were actually set to release the Hong Kong Superstars video in 2001 under the title of ‘Cinema of Vengeance 2’. For unknown reasons this never happened and the project was shelved. *Now with the addition of the Donnie Yen interview which featured on the UK DVD release of Drunken Tai Chi, the contents of the Hong Kong Superstars video has never been seen until now.

Exclusive interviews and nuggets full of memories on and off the set with popular Hong Kong action stars from Moon Lee and Simon Yam to Anthony Wong and the late great Darren Shahlavi are now at our disposal, and truly not for nothing either.
Hong Kong Cinema has been a staple for anyone looking for action and the European and U.S. crossover of the genre in the late 90’s couldn’t have been a more convenient time for the industry to get such a welcoming spotlight. Although, there’s no question that any viability Hong Kong Superstars may have had at the time as a product for Ducker and his company is now lost in the years since then which is unfortunate. So, it’s pretty humbling to finally be able to see such footage harkening back to an age of our beloved genre at the doorway of the new millennium, and with so many great memories as well.
Looking back on all the rare and heartfelt footage, you realize interviews like these are a gems to appreciate.
You can find all the interviews in the playlist below with opening and closing credits as well.

Special thanks to Lee Mason for this collective entreé of awesome!
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