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Na Hyun’s THE PRISON Release Date Pushed Back, Contest Extends Thru September 18!

Well Go USA is presenting freshman director Na Hyun’s directorial debut, The Prison, in fine form for its U.S. Blu-Ray and VoD release. As far as dates go, the company is pushing back its previously announced September 12 date by another week on September 19, which is good news for folks who haven’t entered our contest yet.

After a fatal accident, Yu-gon, a former police inspector, is sentenced to hard time in a prison he once helped fill. Once inside, he discovers the entire penitentiary is no longer controlled by the guards, but by a vicious crime syndicate that breaks out at night, using their prison sentences as the perfect alibi to commit intricate heists. Looking for revenge against the system that placed him inside, Yu-gon joins the syndicate… but with every man out for himself, how long can the perfect crime last?

Pre-orders are up and running wherever movies are sold while we STILL have FIVE Blu-Ray copies to hand out for fans hoping to take a gander at the new crime thriller. Just email us at with your name and address. Be sure to write THE PRISON in the subject header, and feel free to share with us your favorite Korean film to date.

The contest expires on September 18 at 9:00am EST and extends only to residents in the U.S. and Canada.

Good luck!


THE PRISON – Blu-Ray Art (Well Go USA)

CLICK HERE to Pre-Order now!

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