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Small Update About THE HIT LIST

Alright, YouTube is being a pain in the neck lately; In terms of details, my targeted searches are only giving me generic search results when I do my searches for Hit List content.

As a result, I’ve had to work twice as hard this week to find stuff to post for the weekly Hit List, which I’ve kept up for more than four years since December 2014. Changing search terms did make a difference along with some folks contributing videos for this week’s installment of the Hit List via email, but ultimately I did end up piling on more than I could handle in recent weeks as a result of YouTube not functioning as optimally as I need it to.

For this – and at least tentatively, I am officially announcing that as of April 1, The Hit List will scale back from its weekly Monday night entries into a series of bi-weekly articles continuing the same format of playlists and videos introducing stunt reels and action shorts from around the web. It’s really the only way I can keep on doing what I can to help spotlight independent creatives and stunt performers who work on various projects we see around the web, and all while maintaining other news updates for the website since I’m only one person having done most of the work since starting Film Combat Syndicate on Blogger back in February 2013.

Funny enough, some people didn’t even know The Hit List was a weekly column as often as I’ve posted. So, for some folks there won’t be too much of an impact, and at any rate, there is still a ton of content for people to consume, and you can check it all out by clicking here as per the driving force of what inspired me to launch Film Combat Syndicate in the first place.

I just wish YouTube was at its top working capacity for me to continue at a weekly pace. Franly though, this will provide some much-needed breathing room to evenly weigh my tasks in between and potentially be a better writer for this platform than I’ve been able to this year.

If anything changes/improves with YouTube, we’ll certainly see if going back to weekly will be a feasible about-face. Until then, its time to lighten the load, which means for all intents and purposes, The Hit List isn’t ending anytime soon. Just every two weeks, rather.

Alas, don’t forget or hesitate! Send an e-mail with your latest demo reel pr project that needs either promoting or sharing at Or simply DM me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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