WRATH OF MAN Review – Jason Statham & Director Guy Ritchie Bring The Fury
Jason Statham has had a long and varied career as an actor. If you close your eyes though and picture a “Jason Statham” movie, I would hazard a guess that the mental image that is conjured up is one of two possible archetypes from his filmography: one the “action hero”, stoic and invincible, the other the “charming hoodlum” funny and quick-witted with just a bit of grime under his fingernails. Both are capable but in very different ways. These two sides of Statham have never really coexisted in the same film. They feel pulled from two different eras of his performing life- a divide between the days of him as a “character actor” and as a “movie star.” With his latest film, WRATH OF MAN, those two aspects are fully represented under the guidance of the filmmaker who gave him his first big break, writer/director Guy Ritchie (THE GENTLEMEN).
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