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UNDER SIEGE Reboot From Timo Tjahjanto In The Works At Warner Bros.

Of all the properties you’d expect celebrated Indonesian filmmaker Timo Tjahjanto to be attached to, you least expect it would be a reboot of Andrew Davis’s 1992 hit thriller, Under Siege. Alas, that now seems to be the case with none other than Kate scribe Umair Aleem penning the script for Warner Bros.

The plan, according to Deadline‘s Anthony D’Alessandro, is to release the remake on HBO Max. There’s no word though if the film’s original star, Steven Seagal, would return to the table as former Navy SEAL-cum-cook Casey Ryback, but the film was definitely another page turner for action fans thirty years ago, along with its 1995 sequel (frankly it wouldn’t be a reboot if Ryback returned anyway, otherwise it would be categorized as a sequel, which this isn’t).

Let’s face it though: I was a fan of Seagal until his career post-Half Past Dead as he resumed churning out generic direct-to-home release titles with subpar action, and frankly speaking, Atttrition were the last straw for me – one which I don’t entirely fault the director for.

Provided Tjahjanto sticks to his guns and stays the course with the kind of talent he’s worked with thusfar, I reckon the studio might actually turn in something decent. You need only look at his resumè and watch his films to know that you’re talking about one of the best in his field…which boggles my mind at the fact that there are troglodytes on Twitter complaining about this one.

I get the brouhaha with remakes and reboots. But it’s also stupid at this point to keep complaining, especially in an era where most folks don’t hardly research what it is they’re making a fuss about. Tjahjanto’s one of the good ones, and thus, he should be able to direct whatever he wants at this juncture. My advice? Sit still, and enjoy the thrills.

Lee B. Golden III
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
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