After Transcending Fear last year, ENSO Productions has now returned to the forefront of independent online action with the release of independent filmmaker Walter Garcia‘s newest shortfilm, Just Another Day. The brutal crime short story follows of an everyday man-an aging collector for a bookie who confronts a debtor only to be surrounded and taken hostage with the only one option: to fight his way out, or die trying.
The new shortfilm features Garcia‘s first-ever project with his father, Walter Garcia Sr., who also happens to be a lifelong practioner of martial arts since growing up in New York City, namely learning Judo and Karate, in addition to further engineering his son’s own interest in martial arts as well. The younger Garcia spoke to Film Combat Syndicate on Monday about what inspired him to bring his father on board, expressing his admiration for him as “the everyday man” he sees him to be, in accordance to what made him the perfect fitting for the role. “I didn’t want to use a young and capable lead performer.”Garcia says. “I wanted the challenge that really comes with the job as a coordinator, making someone with no action screen experience look good. I asked my dad, he said yes, and it went from there.”Garcia also writes, “It was a incredible exercise and an awesome experience shared with my father. And I am very proud of his efforts to except the challenge and go beyond what I expected in his performance as an actor.”.
Garcia also says fans could expect the screenfighting father and son duo to reunite for another project sometime in the near future. In the meantime, Garcia himself has continued to stay busy in the past several years, performing stunts in last year’s Stallone/Schwarzenegger action pairing, Escape Plan, as well as Ernie Barbarash’s upcoming powerhouse martial arts actioner, Favela, with actor Michael Jai White. In addition, Garcia coordinated fight work for upcoming television episodes of shows like American Horror Story and HBO’s True Detective, in addition to assisting in stunt coordination for director Patrick Hughes’ upcoming film, The Expendables 3, which arrives in theaters this August.
2014 is going to be another exciting year for action fans, so stay tuned to Film Combat Syndicate for more on the latest from ENSO Productions, and watch Just Another Day in the embed below, which also stars Michael Opal, Isaac Hughes, and actor Joshua Lamboy who is currently expected to appear in the upcoming indie martial arts crime drama, A Dance With The Devil, this summer.
Your everyday man can sometimes be the hero you were looking for. Bernie, a old timer collector for a bookie is on a routine collection. He gets caught up with a small gang of guys who underestimate him because of his age and size. They soon realize, the hard way, that you can’t take for granted what time and experience can show you.
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!