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Machinima Announces Its New Webseries Air Date For DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION

Live-action adaptations of video games have had their fair share of lows and highs in the past several decades, with some films undergoing relentless criticism by fans of the original property. Nowadays, companies like Machinima have made a distinctive effort in changing all of that with several channels to its brand and a variety of programming tweaked specifically for its niche of online gamers and content consumers. And adding to that growing list this month is the announcement of new webseries in the form of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, loosely based on the 2011 game installation of the same name.

The new series is directed by producer, co-writer and actor Moe Charif as the cybernetically enhanced lead character Adam Jensen, with Lianet Borrego, Shayna Nicole E’orio and Antony Corone rounding out the principal cast.


The full short film will launch on Machinima Prime March 25th, 2014 and is based on the video game Deus Ex Human revolution. Although the film doesn’t follow the narrative of the game exactly, it remains true to the theme while focusing on the relationship between Adam Jensen, and his ex girlfriend Megan Reed, a scientist hand picked by Serif Industries to head Cybernetic Augmentations. The film also taps, even if briefly, into Adam’s mind and the struggle he faces in accepting his new reality.

H/T: Video Game Films

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