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Vance Ang

Vance Ang has primarily been professionally published in bodybuilding and fitness since 2005, having written extensively for hardcopy publications such as Australian IRONMAN and FLEX; but also for e-publications such as RAW Muscle and more recently the media platform, The Evolution of Bodybuilding. He is a Melbourne based policy and strategy consultant currently undertaking his post graduate study in Law.  In addition to bodybuilding, conservative politics and Savate (French Kickboxing), he has long been a fan of movies and cinema of all genres – subsequently prompting an interest in modern story telling, that being script writing.  He is in the process of writing his first horror novel ‘Providence’

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Those who love and appreciate the work of Mel Gibson will surely watch and enjoy 'ON THE LINE', even though it has to compete with several established movie houses to prove its worth

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Somehow I didn't understand what is movie about. Radio station, kidnap, puzzle. Looks author wanted say a lot but hide many things and it just confuse me. It definitely interested me in movie but if it was some other less know actor, I am not sure I would give it chance.

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I get it. Famous actors can make a movie more attractive, but a good movie should be able to stand alone without them. Sometimes, unknown actors can surprise us with their skills. The movie seems to have multiple storylines woven together, which can be challenging but interesting to piece together. It may take some time to fully understand the story.

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Get ready to be blown away! The anticipation for Thomas Marchese's upcoming work, "Black," is off the charts! With a proven track record of producing amazing pieces in the past it's no wonder that the expectations for this new work are sky-high. The excitement of waiting for new creations from an artist who has already left a lasting impression is truly exhilarating!

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The video is currently unavailable, such a bummer but I'm such a fan of Mel, and I think he is such a great actor.
This film is great, I love the character as well as the storylike of the writers. I also loved the plot, I watched the trailer on YouTube , and it looks worth the watch.
I love how he is a family man, a loving father, and husband.

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The plot sounds intriguing and the fact that the main character is a family man adds an extra layer of relatability to the story. I'm glad you found the trailer on YouTube and it looks like it's definitely worth the watch

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