100 BULLETS Takes Gruesome Comic Book Vengeance Through A Real-World Lens
I have to thank certain directors in my purview who are a bit more abreast of other up and coming filmmakers than I have been able to keep up with. And for this, we now look toward a very special project that will undoubtedly raise eyebrows and flutter hearts from filmmakers Matt and Simon Halsall (If I Only Had A Heart).
Thus, take a gander at 100 Bullets, an inspiring webseries take on the popular Vertigo comic which, for this iteration, pits actor Min Jung Kim as a soldier in the heart of North Korea, mourning over the death of his wife and is given a unique opportunity to avenge her. Apart from the narrative brings a heavy-handed, attentive look past the façade of faux peace and harmony, casting a bright light onto the very darkness and horror of a dictatorship that has walls itself from the rest of the world with daily propaganda and turmoil.
Three years in the making following crowdfunding efforts earlier on and without a doubt, the result as you’re about to see is a phenomenal one. Brimming with tragedy, darkness, gloom and misery with only vengeance as a possible solution, 100 Bullets presents what looks to be one riveting story that is worth damn well telling, and with a more-than-noble cause as pitched by their non-profit, Dead Ghosts. I, for one, look forward to the rest of this webseries and whatever awaits the bright future of the Halsalls.
Watch 100 Bullets in the player right now and open this link to learn more!
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!