A Trip To The Bahamas Is Better Than Any Payday In The New Shortfilm, THE SCUMBAG BOSS
If you or someone you ever had or happens to have that one boss they work under at the job? You know-loud, obnoxious and openly cruel? Well, actor Darren Bailey surely harnesses one interpretation of this in one of his best comedic performances in the new shortfilm, The Scumbag Boss, from director Devin White, a.k.a. Kid Haru.
The project is yet another in a slate of random eventful gatherings by Team Internet, longtime internet netizens listed in the forum at thestuntpeople.com who follow and work in the independent action film industry, making shortfilms whenever they regroup in the same city. This time, it happened to fall on this year’s events at the Action On Film festival, with White and Bailey joined by independent film veteran and screenfighter Jon Truei, along with Tony Sre, Bryan Sloyer, Edward Kahana, Spencer Skoglund and Stephen Dunford, with Malay Kim designing the comedic action.
Feel free to subscribe to White‘s YouTube channel in the embed below for more exciting content to come!
Native New Yorker. Been writing for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do. Be nice to me!