screen media films
SKYFIRE Explodes On VOD In Janaury From Screen Media
Simon West’s latest stake in big scale action and spectacle has finally arrived with VOD release date for the explosive survival thriller, Skyfire. Screen Media acquired the pic back in October and has just unveiled the official trailer, with plans to release the film exclusively on-Demand from Janaury 12.
PORTALS: Catch The Trailer For The New Sci-Fi Anthology From Screen Media
A quartet of celebrated directors now convene for a sprawling anthology of sci-fi mystique and terror with Portals.
COLD BLOOD: Jean Reno Returns To His Chilling Profession In The Official Trailer For The Wintery Hitman Thriller
Following it’s French run in the cinemas last month, Frédéric Petitjean’s feature debut will finally have a North American outing on July 5 with Cold Blood. The title underwent a few changes for a period of time, though headlining actress Sarah Lind with lead actor Jean Reno for a role fans of the actor can relate to may be appealing.
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